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Bless A Missionary

So if you’ve clicked on this link, you’re interested in hearing more about how to bless us with a need for our home. Keep reading for details…

As a part of Partnership Development, most of our fellow missionaries elected to raise additional funds called a “start-up fund” to purchase needed items for their homes, a vehicle, etc. Some of these items include furniture and other necessary items to make their new homes comfortable and functional.

During our Partnership Development we elected to not establish a start-up fund because we were going to be moving into a “furnished” apartment. We also knew that by foregoing a start-up fund we could reach the field sooner because we would not have to raise those additional funds before we were released to the field. What we didn’t realize at the time was what a “furnished” apartment meant.

Outside our Apartment

We love our apartment but we have come to realize after living here for almost three months that there is literally no comfortable place to sit down and rest. Our living room furniture consists of two wicker/rattan couches with thin cushions and a “coffee table” made out of one of our footlockers that we used to pack our belongings for shipment. Our kitchen table and chairs are reclaimed wire mesh deck furniture (Photos are below). None of these provide a comfortable place to sit down and recharge our batteries after a long day of ministry

Since we were both still working full-time through much of our Partnership Development, we purchased some items on our own prior to moving, including a desk for Sarah’s studies and a mattress for our bed (a new one in Haiti would have cost nearly $1000!). Since we have been here we have had a dresser made for Sarah’s bedroom, a cabinet for Wes to store his tools and a desk for Susie. All of these were not included in our apartment. These were all purchased at our own expense (and we were happy to do so).

We began looking into the possibility of purchasing some furniture and were taken aback at how much furniture costs in Haiti-at least any furniture that would last very long! Even a modest sofa and love seat combo costs much more than we thought! Simply put, without the help of some of our partners, we will never be able to afford to replace the existing living room furniture in our apartment.

Here’s what we are asking: While the details are still being worked out, we expect a “start-up fund” to be set up in the next week or so. If you would like to find out how you can bless us by helping us purchase some modest living room furniture for our home, send us an email and let us know you are interested. You can simply reply to our newsletter email or you can send us an email at either of our two email addresses: or Put something like “Bless A Missionary” in the subject line.  We’ll reply back with information on how you can help us out.

We have hesitated to come to you for help with this because it almost seemed self-serving to ask. But after receiving some counsel from other missionaries, we realized that if we are not able to recharge our batteries, we will never be able to minister effectively in the place that God has called us. And if God lays it on your heart to bless us in this way, it would be wrong of us to not allow you to obey Him.

Thank you for your partnership with us.

Wes and Susie Munsell